05 February, 2007

Superbowl Ads, if you are into that kind of thing


This lets you run a bracket and see which ad you like the best. I'm going to rate mine by 1) Funny, 2) Effective if I get the chance.


Kevin Knox said...

For my money, it was the GM Robot Arm, followed by the Careerbuilder ads and the Mouse.

I'd say it was a pretty good Superbowl for the ads this year.

The game, you ask?

I was cooking dinner and talking with a friend of mine for 4 hours, and we saw the 55th minute of the game. By then, it was over. The clock had just failed to notice yet.

Kevin Knox said...

Wow. I just checked my votes against the rest of the world? Oh yeah. Not so good.

My number 4 was their number 1, and it all goes downhill from there. My number 1 was their number 9, and my numbers 2 and 3 didn't even make the cut.


The world really sucks at picking good commercials. :-)

Anonymous said...

snickers and the mouse got a smile from me. I was at work listening to the game.