06 February, 2010

Where are all the good pencil sharpeners?

Just whining.

I've not had a good pencil sharpening experience in years, and good pencil sharpeners used to be everywhere. Is everyone completely sold out to "engineering" and "efficiency?"

I wonder where I've sold out.


kc bob said...

I just bought a new 7mm Pentel.. haven't seen a sharpener in a long time :)

Missy said...

I know. I like the simple handheld plastic ones that used to cost 5/$1. I can only get them at art supply stores now and they're usually in a $10 set of drawing pencils. Hmmphh!

...or was this some kind of metaphor I missed...

salguod said...

The best pencil sharpener was my battery operated Panasonic. Produced a very nice point. Used it for my colored pencils in design school. Later graduated to a corded model, still have that one on my desk. Better than the battery operated, but rarely gets used anymore.

Look up Panasonic sharpeners, there seem to be many available.

Lynne said...

You'd better all emigrate to Australia! Every newsagent sells them, as basic school supplies if nothing else!